All Turkish, user friendly and easy to use phone software


Ability to show caller number and contact information
One-touch call transfer feature
Ability to show Busy / DND status of other subscribers
Advanced call recording. (Caller, Dialed, Missed Calls)
Integration with CRM / Back Office Applications
Ability to send sms to the number on the screen
118 Ability to query from unknown numbers

Arayan Bilgisi Gösterme

İçerik Girilecek..

Canlı Çağrı Dinleme

İçerik Girilecek..

Sufle Verme

İçerik Girilecek..

Arayan Numara Görüntüleme

İçerik Girilecek..

Eşzamanlı Arama

İçerik Girilecek..