Asistan34 integrated backup system,

      Asistan34 Integrated backup system is offered with a fast and secure 2nd backup facility with ssd disk structure inside the server. Data on the system, daily actions and sound recordings are backed up hardware-wise. Thus, system performance is not affected and the possibility of data loss is eliminated.

      The backup system is backed up as hardware, and the FTP backup feature is offered independently in the location. It is integrated into the system as the 3rd backup.

      Asistan34 CallCenter backup; Supports 1 original, 1 backup and 1 external backup logic and 0-1-2 backup logic. This advantage ensures that both voice recordings and system data are protected with a probability of a data loss of 1 million per million, almost impossible.

      This feature, which you can have without any extra investment, makes the Asistan34 CallCenter Software solution unique. You just have to use this system.

Çift Yedek Özelliği

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Ftp Yedekleme Özelliği

FTP Backup and data recovery,

As a concept, FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the file transfer protocol.

It can be kept in another environment or in the same environment. The purpose here is to keep the data on a different hardware and / or in a different environment rather than taking the data as a backup.

It is realized by backing up your data on the current server, "Asistan34 CallCenter" server, and transferring these backups to the media already provided by FTP Protocol and / or by Asistan Teknoloji, as a 3rd backup procedure.

As a system, after each FTP operation, "Asistan34 CallCenter" server is informed to the E-mail account determined by the Customer and the result of the backup operation. Thus, it prevents data loss and facilitates tracking in case of undesired situations (eg theft, fire, disk corruption, server failure).

You can take advantage of this service by accepting your data on "Asistan34 CallCenter Software" from Asistan Teknoloji, Responsibility for data privacy and data security.

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